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War on Meat: Study Suggests Cigarette-style Climate Warning Labels to Cut Down Meat Consumption


Just when you thought it was safe to enjoy a hamburger, a new study from Durham University in the U.K. suggests that cigarette-style graphic warning labels depicting the worst effects of so-called climate change might encourage citizens to consume less meat, which the researchers claim will “improve public health and reduce the UK’s carbon footprint.”

The study, “Impact of pictorial warning labels on meat meal selection: A randomised experimental study with UK meat consumers,” can be read in Appetite, a scientific journal that looks at normal and disordered eating and drinking in animals and humans.

The researchers have an obvious bias against meat consumption, saying it is “deeply ingrained in Western societies.” They made a show out of linking meat-eating to “poorer health outcomes” and even claimed that eating meat was a “contributor to pandemic infections,” but it was clear that climate change was their raison d’être for the study.

“Meat consumption … contributes heavily to deaths from pollution and climate change with meat production in China being linked to 90,000 pollution related deaths and in the United States being linked to nearly 13,000 pollution related deaths,” the study claimed. “Between 12 and 18% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions can be attributed to the livestock industry.”

The study surveyed 1,001 adults, with participants separated into four groups. Participants were asked to imagine themselves in a cafeteria and choose between four dinner options: meat, fish, vegetarian, and vegan…


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