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WATCH: Biden’s Latest ‘Gaffe’ Is Something Much More Serious Than That


Old Joe Biden’s advanced age is an “asset,” Jill Biden assured the world on Thursday, and who could be more honest than Jill Biden? On Friday, however, the alleged commander-in-chief displayed this wonderful asset yet again, and raised new doubts not only about his viability as a candidate for reelection this November, but upon his fitness even to pretend to be president at this very moment.

Biden was in Pennsylvania, stopping into a few small businesses to reinforce his entirely bogus image as a humble man of the people. At a bicycle shop, the alleged president reinforced the impression he has made on numerous other occasions when he appeared confused after reading off his prepared remarks off a teleprompter, and shook hands with the empty air or had to be led off the stage after demonstrating that he had no idea how to make his way off by himself. Collin Rugg of Trending Politics noted: “Bike store owner talks to President Joe Biden like a nursing home patient and has to put his hand in front of him to stop him from walking.”

It’s even worse than Rugg describes. Biden looks vacant and confused, looking around at the man who is leading him and at the floor as if he is hoping to find some clue as to what is going on. Then, making matters even worse, during the same campaign stop, Old Joe ambled into a coffee shop and announced: “My name’s Joe Biden. I work for the government in the Senate.”

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