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WATCH: ‘Handwringing is part of the Democratic DNA,’ says Hillary Clinton

By Heather Hamilton


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton acknowledged that the Democratic Party finds itself in a nervous place heading into the midterm elections, blaming a messaging problem for the public’s lack of knowledge on the positives coming out of the Biden White House.

“I do think handwringing is part of the Democratic DNA. That seems to be in style whether we’re in or out of power,” Clinton told Chuck Todd on NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday morning. “We’re in power, and there still is handwringing going on.”

Clinton said the Republican Party “has now gone to the extreme and are saying and doing things that have no basis in reality,” noting that the disconnect with the public shown in recent polling can be reversed.


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One Comment

  1. Donna Woodard Donna Woodard April 4, 2022

    This Republican wonders if Neck wringing would help Hils.

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