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WATCH: Trudeau Is In Hot Water—The Beginning Of The End?

 Vince Quill

Chinese-appointed Trudeau has been the subject of escalating protests in Canada since he abused the Emergencies Act last year.

Trudeau and his administration have become emblematic of cancer that now threatens to destroy the free world, and both have become chief embarrassments to Western civilization.

The authoritarian leader is increasingly facing calls to remove him from power and those calls have grown since the release of an earth-shattering report from The Globe And Mail.

According to that outlet, CSIS documents indicate that Canadian intelligence services knew that the Chinese government was conducting election interference efforts in Canada, but Trudeau’s administration ignored those warnings. …

The CSIS documents indicate that the election interference was done with the sole goal of electing CCP-friendly, left-leaning parties to Canada’s parliament. …

Canadian patriots now want Trudeau to resign over the seismic revelations stemming from the report:



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