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‘We’re Gonna Need a Booster in the Fall of ’22 and Forward’ – Moderna CEO Pushes Fourth Covid Jab

by Cristina Laila

Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel on Thursday said people will likely need a Covid booster by the fall of 2022 to increase their protection against the China virus.

Bancel said the efficacy of the current booster shot will decline over the next several months and people will need a fourth jab before winter 2022.

People with underlying health conditions will need annual Covid boosters indefinitely, according to Bancel.

Bancel’s comments come just one day after the CDC said the term ‘fully vaccinated’ is being replaced with ‘up-to-date’ shots…

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One Comment

  1. Quentin Ledford Quentin Ledford January 8, 2022

    The vast majority of people are beginning to wake up and realize that this entire fiasco was indeed a manufactured crisis primarily for the purpose of manipulating the people.

    The Medical Mafia of the U.S., lead by its consiglieri, the AMA, which orchestrates affairs for its racket syndicates (sole constituents), namely…
    the Pharmaceutical Industrialists, the Hospital Corporatists, and the Medical Schools, has as its sole agenda their own enrichment. Together, these have devised a program of to create public terror, so that people feel compelled be injected with their poisons!

    The Medical Mafia OWNS the media (providing 25% of their revenue) and have ‘bought and paid’ for the majority of legislators.

    This being the case, these use the media for denunciating and intimidating ANYONE who dare question the propaganda with which they are inundating every venue of media.

    The people though, short of civil revolt, cannot prevail. Here’s why the trajectory of affairs remains the same…

    The Numbers Tell the Story…
    Before the ACA, the health care sector controlled fully 1/6 of the $18 Trillion United States Gross Domestic Product, or $3 Trillion (and it controls an even greater percentage now).

    According to the National Conference of State Legislators, there are 7,383 representatives on a State level. In addition, the Federal level has a total of 535 Congressional members for a total of 7,918 members.

    QUESTION: As a percentage of health care revenue, how much would it take to payoff and bribe virtually every legislator on BOTH the Federal and State levels?

    If the Medical Mafia made payoffs and bribes of just 3/10 of 1% of its annual revenue out to legislators, this would amount to nearly $1.14 million per legislator for EVERY legislator, on all levels, BOTH Federal and State, every year.

    (This could also be one major explanation as to why so many Congressional members of relatively humble beginnings become enormously wealthy after just a term or two in Congress.) Would the Medical Mafia miss just 0.3% of their total revenue to accomplish their agenda?

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