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What’s Really in a Fast Food Hamburger



Whether you’re ordering from McDonald’s or Burger King, fast food hamburgers have a distinct, addicting quality. For decades, many people have wondered what goes on behind the curtains of these patty-prepping assembly lines. What do they put into burgers that makes them so juicy and irresistibly good?

While most fast food chains state that they use 100 percent beef, there are many more components to the burger than meets the eye. From the way the meat is treated to the ingredients in the sauce, toppings, and bread, there’s so much more lurking in your bun than you imagined. Read on to find out what exactly goes into your fast food hamburgers. Then, scroll through the 40 Most Iconic Fast Food Meals of All Time.

100 Percent Beef

Although fast-food critics would love to think burgers are made of “pink slime” rather than beef, McDonald’s has clarified that the use of lean beef trimmings was discontinued in 2011, CNet reports.

“McDonald’s USA serves only 100 percent USDA-inspected beef—no preservatives, no fillers, no extenders—period,” the website stated. “Prior to 2011, to assist with supply, McDonald’s USA, like many other food retailers, used this safe product [lean beef trimmings] but it is no longer part of our supply.”



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