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Where Did Your Steak Come From?

Grazing animals are often blamed for harming the environment — but it’s not the animals that are causing harm, it’s how humans manage livestock and the land they live on, according to the Savory Institute.

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Grazing animals are often blamed for harming the environment — but it’s not the animals that are causing harm, it’s how humans manage livestock and the land they live on, according to the Savory Institute.

The Savory Institute is a global network of farmers and land managers working to “facilitate the large-scale regeneration of the world’s grasslands and the livelihoods of their inhabitants, through “holistic management.”

In a new video, the institute says:

“We as humans have managed them [by] treating livestock like cogs in a machine rather than complex living beings with minds of their own. Thankfully, there’s another way for dealing with complexity called ‘holistic management.’”

Holistic management is a framework for making decisions “that honors the whole system — plants, animals, people and land — instead of maximizing one at the expense of the other,” the video explains.

“It optimizes the whole and aligns our actions with the rhythms of the living world, allowing us to make decisions that balance environmental, financial and social well-being.”

The living world is comprised of “beautifully and infinitely complex adaptive living systems” that are interconnected, so “the way we manage decisions amidst these complex living systems matters,” the institute said…


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