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“Whoa! You Missed a Step!”

By Lee Duigon

When I was a boy, all the pictures of all the cavemen in all my books showed them as being white, Caucasian. This seems unlikely; but one way or another, we had no evidence.

Our ancestors painted realistic pictures of Ice Age animals now extinct. Much of what we know about those animals is thanks to ancient paintings on the walls of caves—including their colors and markings on their hides.

But one thing our ancestors didn’t leave us was detailed pictures of themselves. When they included human figures in their art, those were invariably stick figures. No help there.

The scientific study of our remote past began in Europe and for a long time stayed there. Not surprisingly, European and American artists depicted prehistoric people as having white skins like themselves. Again, there was no evidence for it or against it. To that extent, the illustrations in the books were art, not science.

Oh! But now we’re thoroughly scientific!

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