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Who’s The Boss: Why is Jill Biden ‘Prepping’ for G7 at the POTUS Desk on Air Force One?

By J.D. Rucker

Th G7 Summit is supposed to be a gathering of world leaders to discuss the issues spanning the globe today. The spouses of world leaders often attend as well and are quickly taken to various activities while the actual elected leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States meet.

Apparently, First Lady Jill Biden has other things in mind for the upcoming summit. A post they made on Twitter has drawn questions.

That doesn’t look like a binder full of Japanese customs or light reading about Italian food. It appears to be a much more important series of documents that Dr. Jill needs in order to prepare. What exactly is she preparing for in her very limited role as the spouse of a world leader?

Or is she the world leader herself? Twitter asked.

Imagine how the press would be reacting if Melania Trump had posted the exact same image with the exact same caption on their way to a past G7 Summit. They wouldn’t have reacted like this, that’s for sure:

The First Lady of the United States has absolutely zero power. Jill Biden has not been given any other official roles. It is not only inappropriate for her to be part of our nation’s representation at the summit. It has to make us wonder who’s really running the country.


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