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With a coup attempt in progress, why are most in conservative media changing the subject?

There have always been some weak sticks at the top of the traffic totem pole in conservative media, but even many of the strong conservative sites seem to have already abandoned ship.

The future of the nation is at stake. And while we can say that about every election, this one is distinct for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that a victory for conservatism is being outright stolen by nefarious forces. Knowing this, why is the vast majority of conservative news and opinion outlets already switching gears to other topics?

There’s no need to call out any sites in particular because it seems that only a handful do not fall into this category. One needs only visit the homepages of some of their favorite conservative sites and see who’s talking about voter fraud, January 6th, the various lawsuits in play, or any of the topics that pertain directly to stopping the coup attempt that is currently in progress.

By no means am I suggesting that’s the only topic of importance. Draconian lockdowns are a major concern. The stimulus package, Section 230, and a slew of other topics deserve attention. But the election is relevant to not just every American but every human on the planet. That should be the primary topic for two reasons. First, this stolen election is still in-progress despite attempts by the left (and even many on the right) to gaslight us into believing it’s over. Second, mainstream media is conspicuously ignoring it while Big Tech is actively suppressing it. There are other reasons, but either of those two alone should be enough to compel conservative media to continue the fight and increase pressure to get the truth out.

As of this post, 23 of the last 38 articles on NOQ Report’s homepage are about voter fraud and other election-related topics with the purpose of correcting the results. We are not just journalists. We are American citizens. Our oath to defend and support the Constitution supersedes the need for additional pageviews. Yes, there is clearly voter-fraud-fatigue among many readers. That’s unfortunate, but it doesn’t change the goal of protecting this nation from the fate that comes if Joe Biden is inaugurated.

What makes it worse is that several prominent conservative sites aren’t just doing everything they can to ignore voter fraud. They’re actively participating in trying to debunk it. We’ve already noted how Washington Examiner and Daily Caller jumped ship early. Their defection from the Trump camp was so early, one might believe they were clued into the plan before the election even happened. I’m not making accusations at this point because I have no evidence, but mere days after the election with voter fraud evidence piling up, these “conservative” sites and a few others were already joining their mainstream media brethren.

Noteworthy participants in exposing voter fraud on a daily basis are The Gateway PunditNational File100 Percent Fed UpNatural News, and The Epoch Times. There are others, but sadly not many. Some will say it’s not the job of journalists to fight political battles, that news should be unbiased. I agree for the most part, but the undeniable left-bias on nearly every major mainstream outlet means there must be a counterbalance. We’d love to simply report the news 90% of the time and have a separate section for opinions. But unless mainstream media starts reporting news without bias, we have not choice but to push back.

The old saying in network news was, “If it bleeds, it leads (or ledes, if you prefer).” Right now, the nation is bleeding. “Stop the steal” doesn’t have to be the only topic for conservative media, but it needs more coverage than it’s getting.



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