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Yes, the Mar-a-Lago Raid Was Extraordinary, but the ‘Deadly Force’ Language in the Ops Order Wasn’t

By Susie Moore

If you’re like me, you were likely gobsmacked when the FBI raided former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in August 2022. Even without knowing all the details regarding the documents and items seized (we still don’t), the show of force by Joe Biden’s DOJ seemed like a gross abuse of power — and highly political.

 It left me with a sick pit in my stomach — and I was in the camp of those willing to entertain the possibility that the former president did break the law. Please note: I said “possibility.” To be clear, I did not want that to be the case.

Nor did I want it to be the case that our government was so corrupt — so far gone — that any rule could be broken so long as it was in the service of “getting Trump.” Yet, I have to acknowledge what we’ve seen play out over and over again in the past eight years. And watching the circus that’s unfolded in a Manhattan courtroom over the past six weeks hasn’t disabused me of the belief that that is exactly where we are at this moment in time: Anything goes, and all means are justified for the ends of ending Trump’s political career.

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