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Young Men Beware: Stay Away From The “Neo-Feminist” That Pretends To Care And Respect Men, But Is Just Another Masquerade

By Jacob M. Thompson

She also lieth in wait as for a prey, and increaseth the transgressors among men. – Proverbs 23:28

Feminism in Western societies is breaking apart at the seams and now so many young women are realizing they were sold a bag of lemons, tricked into believing that emulating a man’s life, roles, skills, attitudes, etc. is what they need – that it’d be empowering for them to be a career driven women who “don’t need no man.” But now that Western societies and economies are breaking at the seams, young women are quickly realizing the folly of this lifestyle and are searching for an off-ramp, or are they? Now a new type of feminist is steadily growing that projects a professed attractiveness in male masculinity, that plays up the values, worth, greatness of men and their need in society.

This report is not going to be an over-the-top detailed report, but just highlighting some of the observations I’ve been making these last few years that I figured I’d throw together real quick. I will also give plenty of scriptures as well, though I am not going to get too in-depth with them.

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