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New York Attorney General Loses Climate Change Fraud Case Against Exxon Mobil

A New York judge ruled Tuesday that the Attorney General had completely failed to show proof that Exxon Mobil hid facts about climate change from their investors.

Not long ago, Elizabeth Warren  and Bernie Sanders went all in on lambasting Exxon Mobil for being so mean to the environment and operating as climate killers. Then there’s AOC and her grandstanding just last month. Insisting to a crowd of Bernie supporters that Exxon Mobil knew what it was doing way back in the 1970’s, she pointed fingers of blame at the company for this climate crisis we are supposedly in.

“”They dumped millions of dollars into lobbying a campaign of doubt,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “That is exactly why we have to acknowledge that the climate crisis is not an accident.”

“The reason we are in this crisis is because oil and gas has been one of the most profitable industries of the modern era,” she added.”

Remember her arm flapping diatribe last March? I do.

Exxon Mobil was such a bad guy that the State of New York decided to make an example of the company, and went after them for securities fraud. How does that tie into climate change? Well, New York’s stance on this was that Exxon defrauded their investors by hiding costs of greenhouse emissions from them.

““a Potemkin village to create the illusion that it had fully considered the risks of climate change regulation and it had factored those risks into its business operations.” The suit also claimed the company knew that “its representations were not supported by the facts and were contrary to its internal business practices.””

My goodness, such drama by the State of New York!

The lawsuit was such that it was attempting to hold Exxon Mobile responsible for not having a crystal ball as to the severity of climate change, and for not telling investors that climate change was going to be such a super duper nightmare for all of us.

Never mind that most of the climate change “science” is devoid of facts. Never mind the fact that much of the new technology of climate change is way more costly than that of oil and natural gas, and let’s just ignore that data used to support climate change is incredibly inconsistent.

According to AOC, Tomahawk Liz, and Bernie the Socialist, Exxon Mobil is BAD! and all climate change regulation is TERRIFIC! Even if said climate change regulation will bankrupt the world. Never mind that, we must do SOMETHING before the sky falls in 12 years18 months, 6 weeks, …never?

The judge’s decision, which you can read here, was HARSH. When a judge points out that the state’s witnesses aren’t credible, you know their presentation of the case was bad. Really bad.

Some of the State’s witnesses in the case didn’t even understand the models they were supposed to be experts on! Not only that, but when one argued that a stock dump after the announcement meant the company was guilty…



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