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Early Outpatient Treatment for COVID-19: The Evidence

By Paul E. Alexander



The evidence accumulated very early on in the pandemic that the use of sequenced multi-drug therapeutics (SMDT) under physician guidance was beneficial and that some medications were safe and effective. We refer to repurposed therapeutics that have been regulatory approved and have been used in some instances for decades for other illnesses.

We have extensively written and published treatment algorithms and protocols as well as evidence of the benefit of early outpatient (ambulatory) treatment of SARS-CoV-2 virus and the consequent disease COVID-19 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). With highly targeted and SMDT regimens that include early application of antiviral drugs, combined with corticosteroids and anti-platelet/anti-thrombotic/anti-clotting therapeutics, the risk of hospitalization is significantly reduced by as much as by 85 to 90%, and risk of death is eliminated for high-risk patients and younger individuals presenting with severe symptoms.



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