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WATCH: ‘Handwringing is part of the Democratic DNA,’ says Hillary Clinton

By Heather Hamilton


Former Secretary of StateĀ Hillary ClintonĀ acknowledged that theĀ Democratic PartyĀ finds itself in a nervous place heading into theĀ midterm elections, blaming a messaging problem for the publicā€™s lack of knowledge on the positives coming out of theĀ Biden White House.

ā€œI do think handwringing is part of the Democratic DNA. That seems to be in style whether weā€™re in or out of power,ā€ Clinton told Chuck Todd on NBCā€™sĀ Meet the PressĀ Sunday morning. ā€œWeā€™re in power, and there still is handwringing going on.ā€

Clinton said theĀ Republican PartyĀ ā€œhas now gone to the extreme and are saying and doing things that have no basis in reality,ā€ noting that the disconnect with the public shown in recent polling can be reversed.


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One Comment

  1. Donna Woodard Donna Woodard April 4, 2022

    This Republican wonders if Neck wringing would help Hils.

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