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The Popes, the White House and the World War of Crosses

Relations between the United States and the Vatican have never been easy and, indeed, they have no reason or way of being so. More enemies than friends, or rather frienemies, an inescapable fate seems to condemn the two empires to a warlike confrontation wherever their lines intersect, in each of the emerged lands and in any era.

The United States and the Vatican are and always will be frienemies. They can only be this. They can only aspire to negotiated antagonism, or rather to competitive cooperation whenever collaboration is necessary – as in the presence of a common and potentially deadly enemy – and to confrontation whenever history allows it. A perpetuum bellum, theirs. And it cannot be otherwise: the United States is the City upon the hill in the image and likeness of the Pilgrim Fathers, and the beacon of a unique Luther-shaped Protestant Christianity imbued with messianic contents and full of millenarian expectations; the Vatican is what remains of the Heritage of St. Peter and the Res publica christiana.

Ideological differences aside, there is a reason behind the animosity between these two powers whose kings swear by the Bible and have historically sought to proclaim the Gospel to every creature. That reason is Latin America, or rather hegemony over it, and it has served as a casus belli of a conflict that, over time, has assumed a world-scale dimension. As a result, today, the United States and the Holy See are at war: the World War of Crosses.

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