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The Khazars: Are Those Slithering Rats Occupying Israel Preparing To Occupy Ukraine And Abandon Jerusalem To The Anti-Christ?

By Jerry


Just when one thinks he has it mostly figured out, new information trots out to realign the planets.  Some of you might remember a post I made several years ago regarding the Khazars and their fraudulent claim on Jerusalem and the manipulation of the world so that an Agreement would be made giving those Khazars the State of Israel.  A “Return of the Jews” sort of thing.

Well, something has changed.

If you are not familiar with the Khazarian manipulation, you will want to read or listen to the voice recording of a Jew named Benjamin Freedmann (linked below) who gave a speech in New York about 70 years ago, describing the fraudulent Khazars and why they selected “Jew” as their race to facilitate international trade and make money.

Incidentally, there is very strong evidence that the “Jewish holocaust” did not actually happen but was fabricated from whole cloth specifically to turn world opinion in the Jews favor so that the “Jews” (Khazars) could obtain the Holy Land and be recognized as “God’s chosen people” and everything that goes with that status.

Before you conclude that this is all insane drivel, know this – If I did not have the information that I am sharing with you, I also would think it was all insane drivel.  Problem is, I have a university degree in History and in English (writing).  Reading and writing history are what I do.  I sort through much, much more information than I publish here, all to give me the sharpest possible focus on truth and facts.

A fraud of this magnitude can certainly be pulled off.  NASA “moon landing”, Mars rover, Kennedy’s assassination, spherical VS. flat earth, Covid-19 and the Vaxx, 9/11 and many more frauds perpetrated on the whole earth to create huge lies and to manipulate people, nations, governments, families and more, all for wicked ends.

To understand how the Jewish holocaust was developed from scratch as a “real thing”, go here: and read this:

It’s a long paper and will take you maybe two hours to read it.  Worth the time, absolutely.  Worth a re-read, actually.  After you read it, you will think to yourself “OK, so maybe the holocaust really was created from nothing “.  That is a big awakening…


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