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‘No religious exemptions’: New push for mandatory COVID vaccinations

By WND Staff

Three university professors, two of whom are physicians, are calling for COVID-19 vaccinations to be mandatory, with no allowance for religious objections.

The Case Western Reserve University scholars, writing in USA Today, advised that “disincentives” be imposed to ensure compliance, Christian News reported.

“Private businesses could refuse to employ or serve unvaccinated individuals,” the professors propose. “Schools could refuse to allow unimmunized children to attend classes. Public and commercial transit companies — airlines, trains and buses — could exclude refusers. Public and private auditoriums could require evidence of immunization for entry.”

Dr. Michael Lederman, Maxwell J. Mehlman and Dr. Stuart Youngner acknowledge the measures “might seem draconian and would be costly, but ensuring universal vaccination is a negligible sacrifice compared with the costs, deaths and social upheaval that a sustained pandemic is having on our country.”

In their article, “Defeat COVID-19 by requiring vaccination for all. It’s not un-American, it’s patriotic,” they insist there is “no alternative.”

“Simply put, getting vaccinated is going to be our patriotic duty,” they write.

Lederman is an infectious disease specialist and professor of medicine. Mehlman is a law professor and director of Case’s Law-Medicine Center. Youngner is professor of bioethics and pyschiatry.

The scholars insist a vaccine is needed to achieve herd immunity, contending that waiting for enough people to become infected and then develop antibodies is too dangerous.

Declining vaccination puts the lives of others at risk, they say.

The only exemption should be an adverse medical reaction to the injection.

“Do not honor religious objections. The major religions do not officially oppose vaccinations,” they write. “Do not allow objections for personal preference [either], which violate the social contract.”

Many Americans have raised concerns that some COVID vaccines could contain the cells of aborted babies.

On Wednesday, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he wants to make getting vaccinated for the coronavirus mandatory for the citizens of his nation.

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  1. SteveG SteveG August 20, 2020

    First of all, I should point out that these university professors, aren’t using any science or any statistical numbers to qualify their statements. It’s all emotional pleas and false statements. If everyone else other than you are vaccinated, and the vaccine works, It would be impossible for you to infect anyone. This is a fact, not hysterical fear mongering.
    We should ask the university to remove these professors for promoting propaganda.
    The second thing, it’s simple for people in authority to make statements that may do more harm than good, so lets have them put their money where their mouths are. If they are so convinced that what they say is true, they should be at least partially responsible for the economic and personal damages that these vaccines may cause in some people.

  2. Tyson Tyson August 20, 2020

    My objection is based on the Constitution of the United States and my personal freedom. And my personal freedom trumps all other mandates.

  3. GD Johnson GD Johnson August 20, 2020

    Ten years ago Fauci, Bill and Melinda Gates and even the Clintons all came together to figure out a way to make vaccines mandatory globally. It is no coincidence that all of these same pieces of sheep dip are now in the forefront of making that happen.

    Once they get Covid to be mandatory, what is there to stop them from making us take every other contrived BS vaccine as well?

    We either fight this and possibly die for doing so, or we take their vaccines and die from them instead.

  4. H G Parks H G Parks August 20, 2020

    These guys are demon-crats. They are all professors teaching our kids for enormous amounts of money. Looking back, these hodlums supported Bernie Sanders, Pete Buta(judge), Cory Booker, Betsy Rader, and Sherrod Brown. I only researched back to 2015. Get your kids out of the indoctronation centers and yourselves out of demoncrat controlled cities. Let us form a constitutional malatia. This is communism at it’s finest.

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