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Affluentza: The Main Mass American Malady

By Sidney Secular

Spending more and enjoying it less? Bored? Not enough high-tech and mass produced dreck and toys to toy with? Need a new Honda, Hummer or EV bummer with which to make do until the next entertainment center is wheeled out for sale? What draws you to the mall where you can get mauled by “youth” anytime or trampled upon during aptly named Black Friday or driven to drink by the fractious crowds? And what about lesser holidays when lesser “celebrations” attract the bargain hunters and it’s no bargain to get caught up in the traffic going to or from the “big box” stores, an act that can “box you in” for lengthy periods? Do you find yourself working non-stop or at two jobs to pay for all that “stuff” you and your family supposedly want, stuff that often gets stuffed away in remote corners until you decide it’s time for another yard sale?

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