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America’s Sacred Freedom of Speech on Life Support

By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh —— Bio and Archives


If you are a conservative, your sacred freedom of speech is on life support. The tech billionaires in control of various social platforms have become the Soviet-style post office headquarters.

My friend Dr. Mircea and I, when we lived for twenty years behind the Iron Curtain, we had all our personal correspondence crudely opened, read, resealed, or confiscated by special KGB commissars, well trained to destroy freedom of speech and to silence any opposition to the communist regime.

Facebook used “fact checkers” hidden and disguised as “friends”

When I discovered that, in addition to specific algorithms, Facebook used “fact checkers” hidden and disguised as “friends,” and how I found thousands of such fake friends hiding under variants of fact-checker, fact, factoids, and other spellings, I wrote an article about it describing who these “monitors”  for hire were and the lowly $16 per hour pay. These “fact-checkers,” who were not necessarily required to have a college education, used as sources of truth opinion articles written in various leftist newspapers and magazine and not scientific journals or scientific facts. Thus, I blocked thousands of such “friends”:

The very same day that my article appeared at Canada Free Press, I was restricted for 30 days for a photographic meme which I posted four months before. I could not “go live” for 30 days. Never mind that I never go live at any time, so the punishment was ridiculous on its face. The photograph was an actual photo from WWII and the caption was apropos.

The fact that my account was restricted, and my freedom of speech curtailed on the very same day that my article criticizing Facebook “fact-checkers” appeared, proved my point.  I have never believed in coincidences and I am not about to become a believer now.

After blocking thousands of “fake friends” under Settings/Privacy/Blocking, and finding more and more word search combinations and spellings entered in the rubric Blocking (fakt, fakts, bot, bot check, bot checker, chequ, cheque, fakt-chequers, chequers, facktoid, factors, factoria, fabrica, fabric, fab, fabr), more fact-checkers were assigned to my account each day.

Must we be submissive to the chicom virus, to the Democrat Party, to the Marxist penetration of public education, social and fake media, and the D.C. swamp

What exactly do I have to say that Facebook finds offensive, threatening, and so in violation of their liberal “community standards?” Is it the fact that I suffered under communism for 20 years, with millions of others,  escaped it, and tried my hardest to expose its tyranny? Is it the fact that the left is trying to install socialism/communism here in America and we, the survivors of such a tyrannical regime, are flies in the globalist ointment?

Is truth now relegated to only what the social media giants allow through their Marxist filters?

Must we be submissive to the chicom virus, to the Democrat Party, to the Marxist penetration of public education, social and fake media, and the D.C. swamp who are attempting to transform our shining city on the hill into a tarnished, rusty urban war zone dominated by fear, corruption, and panic driven non-stop by the supine media and anti-police lawlessness?

How scared and faceless have Americans become if they wear masks for six months now, deep into the woods with few other humans around?

Today, like many other conservative Americans, I have been restricted again on Facebook because I dared to post a video of a nurse who gave testimony as to what happened at the Elmhurst Hospital in New York and how many patients died following placement on ventilators.


How exactly are we endangering anybody by posting a video that people can ignore or delete?

How exactly are we endangering anybody by posting a video that people can ignore or delete? And how can we be made responsible for its content when we share it? Since when is social media staffed by medical doctors who can verify that the statements on the video are dangerous and must be suppressed?

And where is my freedom of speech, social media? Are you a social platform protecting select or all individuals of your so-called “community,” or are you a publisher protecting/censoring content?

As my friend Dr. A. Mircea wrote, “For the past few months, my Facebook posting and comments have been severely censored, photos covered, erased, cancelled or outright blocked. Then, in the past few weeks, the censorship commissars informed me officially that my posts and attempts to “wake up America” will be reviewed, eliminated, or prevented from going public.” How is that for communist-style censorship?

America’s sacred freedom of speech is on life support and we must stand up to censors who want conservatives silenced.


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