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Anyone Still Dumb Enough To Vote Democrat Is Betraying Their Country, Family And Friends

To be honest, with all of the crap the Democratic Party has done to the American people and President Trump, they should not be able to get one candidate through.

Americans Need To Include Term Limits For Elected Leaders

We need to change Congress Laws, so we have term limits, equal justice for Congress and Citizens, the same health benefit privileges if we are willing to pay and penalties for those that break their Constitutional oaths. We also need laws in place that can run for Congress. They must not be running under any agendas, not Constitutional, and must be a born USA Citizen. We have learned a lot, and only the best of us should be able to run for Congress!

I will go even further. The Democrats, after all, are the party of malcontents, societal reprobates, underachievers and non-achievers, substance abusers, and people in other ways uncomfortable in their skins.

People who ARE comfortable in their skins and with a healthy level of self-respect with few exceptions don’t vote Democrat because the Democrat Party has absolutely NOTHING to offer them except a LOT of self-destructive attitudes and policies.

Pelosi And Democrats Are Blind Leading The Blind

Pelosi and her conga line of Democrats in the three houses, the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Mainstream Press were all looking the other way, concentrating on impeachment, obstruction, trying to re-tie the ship of State back to the pier of malaise, or boring holes in the hull below the waterline, and even claiming the COVID-19 (coronavirus) was no big deal, but President Trump was just racist and xenophobic to do anything about it, including to refer to its origination hot spot!


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