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Biden Loses the Ball and Ignores Crises While Living It Up in St. Croix

By Nick Arama 


As I previously reported, poor overworked Joe Biden booked it out of Washington, D.C. right after Christmas, in the middle of severe weather hitting the country causing many deaths and massive flight cancellations. Of course, since he has Air Force One, his flight out of D.C. to the sunny climes in St. Croix was not delayed in any way. Unlike the Southwest Airlines passengers, he wasn’t left to sleep in the airport and left to hope that he might at some point find his bag. Because he has a big “D” after his name, none of the liberal media seems to have called him out on his hypocrisy of lack of caring for the American people.

Biden is staying in St. Croix until Jan. 2 on his umpteenth vacation. By one count from RNC Research, he has spent more than 280 days in his term on vacation. He took his daughter, her husband, and his grandchildren, Hunter and Natalie, along on the taxpayer-funded flight. Just as with his trip to Nantucket at Thanksgiving, he stayed in the home of yet another billionaire Democratic donor family, Bill and Connie Neville, a home that has its own beach and pool. The Nevilles were among the people that Biden invited to his state dinner for French President Emmanuel Macron.





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