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Posts published in “Crime”

Senators Introduce Bipartisan Legislation Strengthening Corporate Whistleblower Protections and Improving the SEC and CFTC Whistleblower Programs

Senators Baldwin, Durbin, Ernst, and Grassley introduced S. 2529, the Whistleblower Programs Improvement Act (WPIA), which would protect corporate whistleblowers who report potential securities or commodities fraud…

WHOA! PELOSI ACCIDENTALLY TELLS THE TRUTH! Admits Earlier Today Everything They’re Doing Is Attempt to Stop Trump from Being Elected (VIDEO)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) delivered an ‘impeachment statement’ at 5 PM ET amid the Trump-Ukraine ‘whistleblower’ mayhem. Pelosi demanded the ‘whistleblower statement’ be given…

DHS In Portland Versus Antifa Thugs – The Difference Between Police Ordered To Stand Down And DHS Response Makes It Clear How These Little Terrorists Should Be Dealt With

By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine During the nationwide “climate” strike, the majority of the protests remained peaceful, but in Portland Oregon, which has the…

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