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Posts published in “Opinion”

South Africa – AFRICAN ANON

Recieved from #AfricanAnon South Africa. #WWG1GWAWORLDWIDE @realDonaldTrump #TheGreatAwakening @QNNTexas @QAnonNotables @RobbersonJon @PatriotL4evr @okabaeri9111 @PhillyQ_ @TrumpyQGirl @WileHash @love4thegameAK @RNative2 @beldandolo @TexasWhiteHats @534f57494c4f0a @12BravoGran — John…

Why Do Narcissists Make Such Poor Leaders?

You would most likely agree that a key component of leadership is the ability to inspire others through one’s own personal charismatic appeal. During times of crisis, such as…

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