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Adam Schiff’s Attempt to Take Control U.S. National Intelligence Rebuffed by DNI

Richard Grenell called out Schiff Tuesday on Twitter shortly after the letter was made public, writing: “His letter was sent to the press before it was sent to me. These press leaks politicizing the intelligence community must stop,” DNI Richard Grenell stated.

President Donald Trump’s recently appointed Acting-Director of National Intelligence (DNI), Richard Grenell rebuffed House Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff in an official letter.

Grenell expressed his surprise that the Trump-hating foe never praised the appointment of two women to head the counter-terrorism unit and the new DNI rejected the congressman’s belief that the House intelligence chairman should control the DNI’s day-to-day management decisions.

When Mr. Grenell, who served as a foreign service officer at the State Department, received his mandate as the acting DNI, his first instinct was to revamp the nation’s overly politicized intelligence community.

During President Barack Hussein Obama’s eight years as Commander in Chief, more was done to politicize the agencies charged with national security beginning with the appointments of Democratic Party hacks such as James Clapper, Grenell’s predecessor, FBI Director James Comey, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John Brennan and other Democratic Party minions who were appointed to key positions.

Rep. Schiff had written to Mr. Grenell on April 7 questioning Trump’s DNI’s legal authority to reorganize the Office of National Intelligence and its National Counter Terrorism Center. Never has any congressman demanded he or she manage a federal agency.

“These Democrats are playing games. They know damn well that they are not managers or agency heads. They are legislators and they are allowed to conduct oversight. Schiff is the last person you want looking over your shoulder unless you want to see top secret information plastered on the frontpage of the New York Times or Washington Post. Schiff is a leaker He is a liar. And he is a hater of his own nation and its citizens,” said former U.S military intelligence operative and ex-police official Sid Franes.


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