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Posts published in “Political News”

Mueller Hack Attorney Van Grack Claims for Three Weeks FBI Used Only Raw Chicken-Scratched Notes from General Flynn’s January 24, 2017, Interview in Multiple Deep State Meetings Before Final Notes Drafted

DOJ attorneys denied last month that they were hiding an original 302 report on the General Flynn interview in the White House in January 2017.…

Meanwhile, stop letting ‘pencil neck’ clog up the public toilet. Plunge him out, Mr. President! ‘Pencil Neck’ Clogging The Public Toilet?

Republicans should stop shadow boxing self-made “whistleblower” Adam Schiff, cut to the chase and out him to the waiting masses. The gig should have been…

“We Did It!” – Cop-Hating Socialist and Son of Weather Underground Terrorists Chesa Boudin Celebrates His Victory in San Francisco DA Race

Cop-hating socialist Chesa Boudin won his District Attorney race in San Francisco on Saturday. San Francisco. We did it. — Chesa Boudin 捚ćŸč思 (@chesaboudin)…

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