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Meanwhile, stop letting ‘pencil neck’ clog up the public toilet. Plunge him out, Mr. President! ‘Pencil Neck’ Clogging The Public Toilet?

Republicans should stop shadow boxing self-made “whistleblower” Adam Schiff, cut to the chase and out him to the waiting masses.

The gig should have been up the minute Schiff hid the ‘whistleblower’ in anonymity.  Do material witnesses rate anonymity in cases before any court of law?

You can’t drag Schiff out of the shadows by shadow boxing with him

But instead of his gig being up, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff has gone on to empower himself as judge, jury and prosecutor in the Democrat-crazed “Impeach Trump!” process.

It was high time from the get-go to challenge Schiff’s authority over the Nation.

Social media, including Facebook, YouTube and Twitter have made even naming the supposed ‘whistleblower” an Internet crime.

Could that be because they know everything Adam Schiff’s ‘whistleblower’ has to say easily could be proven unsubstantiated and untrue?

Not only is dictatorial Schiff not leaving any room for due process in one of the biggest scams of all time, he’s managed to make a cottage industry out of purely ANONYMOUS undertakings.

A fleeting glimpse of a ghost or will-o-the-wisp have more substance than Schiff and any one of his aliases.

The public toilet has been left clogged

The public toilet has been left clogged, but if a plunger were taken to it,  they’d find that ‘Pencil Neck’ is the cause of the clog.

Republican Georgia Rep. Doug Collins was spot-on when he charged that “Adam Schiff ‘has been made the judge, jury and prosecutor of this case.”

“They’re still not letting the president defend himself,” Collins said. “This is a sad time right now for the House of Representatives.”

This is the president’s savvy take on the doubtful existence of the “whistleblower”:  (White House Remarks, Nov. 8, 2019)


One Comment

  1. Jack Jack November 11, 2019

    Pointless drivel. No methodology for fixing the problem is included, much less a practical solution. If one has nothing to say, one should not say it.

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