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Confidential Pentagon Memo Says Transgender Soldiers Can Defer Deployment While on Hormones

By Darlene McCormick Sanchez


Transgender soldiers will be allowed to delay deployment for up to 300 days while using cross-sex hormones during their “transition” and waive physical fitness standards, according to a confidential Pentagon memo.

The Feb. 1 Womack Army Medical Center (WAMC) memo said that the delay in deployment was needed so the transgender soldier could “stabilize” while taking hormones.

The 34-page Department of Defense document first reported by the Dossier, estimated it could take 9–18 months to complete a gender transition…


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  1. Doug Hegre Doug Hegre July 25, 2023

    Feel allowing trans gender people to be in our military and having transgender surgery at the taxpayers expense is wrong. The military “Is Not” a place for anyone with identity issues. We need strong and disciplined individuals on our fighting force and not have to spend time and money on inclusive training for our troops. Being “deciding to be trans” is totally an individual’s right and discretion. BUT, it is something that isn’t a disability but something totally controlled by the individual. And, as with “everything” in life, choices have consequences. That is one of the consequences that you won’t be allowed to serve in the military. Be careful what you wish for.

  2. Sean c Sean c July 25, 2023

    That’s Bull$#!+. Drop and give me fifty.

  3. Sean c Sean c July 25, 2023

    Smoke pot, get a article 15. Take hormone therapy for gender destruction and get deferred for destroying government property?

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