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Democrat Whip Katherine Clark’s Transgender 23-Year-Old Arrested for Alleged Assault, Anti-Police Vandalism of Boston Monument



Jared Dowell, the 23-year-old child of House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-MA), was arrested and charged with assault and property damage after police found Dowell vandalizing a historic Boston monument with anti-police graffiti, according to the Boston Police Department.

The department said in a statement that officers discovered Dowell on Saturday night during a protest spray-painting “NO COP CITY” and “ACAB,” which is an acronym for “all cops are bastards,” on the Parkman Bandstand located in the Boston Common.

About 20 of the protesters surrounded the officers during the encounter “while screaming profanities through megaphones on the public street,” the department said, adding that during the arrest of Dowell, an officer was hit in the face and started bleeding.




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