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DOJ IG Report: FBI Was Spying on FOUR Trump Officials – NOT Just Two!

The DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz finally released his report on FISA applications during the 2016 elections–

Here is a link to the full report.

Attorney General Bill Barr released a statement today BLASTING the Obama-Comey FBI.

According to the report the FBI was spying on at least four Trump officials and not just two.

Via Jim Jordan:

“We thought they spied on two Americans, we now know it was FOUR. The Inspector General’s report confirms what many of us feared: James Comey’s FBI ignored guidelines and rules in spying on President Trump’s campaign in 2016. e now know that within one week of the investigation opening, the FBI was surveilling the campaign and four specific individuals associated with it. The U.S. government’s powerful tools designed and authorized for international intelligence gathering were deployed to monitor the activities of a Presidential campaign. This is a grave matter that should deeply trouble Americans of all political stripes. There are many lingering questions, and I expect both @RepJerryNadler and @RepMaloney to convene hearings with Inspector General Horowitz as soon as possible.”


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