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Epstein Pedophilia Network-Trafficked Mom Demands Justice For Daughter Who Was Medically Kidnapped (Video)

By Tim Brown 


So far, we have heard many of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s victims, but we still haven’t seen a single arrest of any of his clients, and the FBI has a list but doing nothing more than protecting them. 

Jennifer Guskin was one of his victims, and she was also a victim of the US Foster system.  She, like many other young girls for whom Epstein took advantage, was trafficked to leaders in the business world, politicians and others in New York and DC.  She also faced Satanic Ritual Abuse.  Since she hasn’t had any justice concerning Epstein, she is now demanding it for her daughter.

The system not only failed her, they assaulted her, but after she became an adult and left that system, it still came after her.

Once her story concerning her being trafficked by Epstein and the Foster system went public, the goons from Child Protective Services rushed in to medically kidnap her daughter.

According to a GiveSendGo page, Guskin is fighting CPS over their criminal activity against her and her daughter.

As an infant, I was adopted by a family in NY who subsequently sold me to various individuals and entities throughout my childhood.

I’ve been to Epstein Island and on multiple Lolita Express types of flights.

I’ve witnessed high-profile individuals forced to rape children while being filmed under threat of death for themselves and their loved ones.

Shortly after going public with my story, Child Protective Services opened a Substance Exposed Newborn case, even though all drug tests came back negative, and took my child “In case of neglect”.

Their stipulation for her return?

Stop talking on Social Media.

The question becomes – How many other families has CPS done this to? How many times has CPS opened a fraudulent case, taking a child(ren) “In case of neglect”, and lie about key aspects of their case to the court to facilitate the termination of parental rights?

I am not the first.

My main goal of this lawsuit is accountability. If people know that they are going to be personally held accountable, they will be less likely to defraud the system…


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