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Fauxahontas Was Caught In Another Lie. This One Is About Her Previous Career As a Teacher.

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has repeatedly said she was a special needs school teacher but she was fired because she was “visibly pregnant.” It’s become part of her typical stomping speech, a part of her so-called “resume.”

Rebecca Klein

✔@rklein90: Elizabeth Warren says that she probably would still would be a special needs teacher today, if she hadn’t gotten fired for being visibly pregnant (in the days before unions).

Yamiche Alcindor

✔@Yamiche: Warren talking about getting fired because a principal gave her teaching job away because Warren was visibly pregnant. She said she went to law school and then went back to teaching. She ends with a pitch: “I know what’s broken. I want to be in the fight to fix it for America.”


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