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‘Gun podcasts’ and where they rank holistically

By John Petrolino

Recently I came upon a piece highlighting the top “20 Best Gun Rights Podcasts.” Cruising the list I saw many familiar names, shows, and colleagues. I was happy to see that friend, attorney Evan Nappen’s Gun Lawyer podcast was rated as #1 on this list. While the actual aggregate of data used to classify these shows in this order was noted to be based on, “The best Gun Rights podcasts from thousands of podcasts on the web and ranked by traffic, social media followers & freshness,” the list reminds me of something that’s bigger than this one list’s opinion. Where do some of our favorite podcasts rank holistically?

Congratulations to Nappen and all the other Second Amendment news folk that made the list. While the title touts the 20 “best” of the gun rights podcasts out there, they actually only list 18, leaving the rest of their listings locked for those who’ll email in for the rest of the list. What was interesting was that podcasts that I know of that have a huge following were not listed, and looking into ratings over at, some shows ranked differently than this list.

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