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Hack Attack: Media Warns China, Russia And Iran Could Seriously Cripple US Water Systems

By Jacob M. Thompson

“Water is among the least mature in terms of security,” Adam Isles, head of cybersecurity practice for Chertoff Group, recently told CNBC.

The following report is by CNBC:

  • Cyberattacks on the country’s water systems could damage infrastructure, disrupt the availability or flow of water, and alter chemical levels, contaminating public drinking water supply.
  • A recent string of attacks on water utilities included systems in Kansas, Texas and Pennsylvania.
  • Taking out critical national infrastructure has become a top priority for foreign-linked cybercriminals. “All drinking water and wastewater systems are at risk — large and small, urban and rural,” an EPA spokesman said.

The city of Wichita, Kansas, recently had an experience that’s become all too common — its water system was hacked. The cyberattack, which targeted water metering, billing and payment processing, followed the across the U.S. in recent years.

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