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Here are the states Americans fled last year



Americans were most likely to move toward “less expensive areas with comparable amenities to larger metropolitans.” Cities with more outbound moves also “tended to experience less growth in their working-age population in the same year.”

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United Van Lines noted that more respondents indicated economic factors such as housing affordability, location preferences, and living expenses as reasons for their moves relative to retirement or the desire to move closer to family.

Trends such as retirement relocations, desires for improved lifestyles, and more manageable costs of living prompted Americans to flow toward states such as Vermont, South Carolina, Arkansas, Alabama, North Carolina, and South Dakota, while some moved to other states such as Rhode Island predominantly for job-related reasons. Others left states such as New Jersey, Illinois, North Dakota, New York, Michigan, and California.

“We are continuing to see the trend that Americans are moving to more affordable, lower-density areas across the country, with many heading to Southern states,” United Van Lines Vice President of Corporate Communications Eily Cummings said in a statement. “Movers are also becoming more strategic with their planning, as relocation continues to be driven by factors such as the price of housing, regional climates, urban planning and job growth.”

Vermont was the most popular state for inbound migration, with 65.5% of survey respondents indicating that they moved to the state and 34.5% indicating that they left the state. New Jersey was meanwhile the least popular state for inbound migration, with 35.1% of survey respondents moving to the state and 64.9% leaving the state…

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