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The Nuclear Option: Hillary Clinton Could Be at Top of Biden Vice President List

It is almost worthy of a dark Netflix series to watch how the sins of these people keep coming back and back and back to revisit them. Their sins are like hulking black vultures stooped on the branches of a dead tree outside the front of their bleak, haunted house.

All Democrats had to do was come up with a candidate who was, as former President Barack Obama once said of a certain fellow Democrat, “likable enough.”

The 2020 presidential election only needed to be a personality test. Find somebody new and shiny and likable enough, and Democrats would easily beat the Orange Monster in the White House today.

This, despite turning in the hottest economy in history. This, despite tacking issues popular among regular voters of both parties yet that have been neglected by politicians in both parties for decades. (Illegal immigration, globalist trade allegiances and nefarious China are among those most important of those issues.) This, despite the fact that Mr. Trump is the most singularly nonpartisan president since at least Ronald Reagan.

The dirty secret is that while Democrats have done a fairly good job of demonizing Mr. Trump, that effort has come at a massive cost to them. They have spent over three years smearing the guy every single day with lies and crazy conspiracy theories that even they don’t actually believe.

If instead, they had decided to work with Mr. Trump — hardly a longtime Republican conservative doctrinaire — they could have frozen out congressional Republicans and hijacked his presidency entirely. In so doing, they could have handed their constituencies massive victories. But, alas, they could give a rat’s rear-end about actually keeping the promises they make to their voters.


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One Comment

  1. Davidcollins Davidcollins May 6, 2020

    Is joe that stupid? Boy just stick a 45 in your mouth.

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