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House votes in favor of broadcasting Guantanamo Bay proceedings online

Amendment to defend spending bill passed on party-line vote, fate of measure uncertain in Senate

 The Washington Times 


The House of Representatives moved Friday to make military commissions held at Guantanamo Bay more transparent by paving the way for proceedings to be broadcast online.

An amendment potentially broadening the public’s access to the proceedings was included in the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act considered on Capitol Hill.

Offered by Rep. Adam Schiff, California Democrat, the measure authorizes military judges at Guantanamo Bay “to order arrangements for remote public viewing of the proceedings via internet.”

The amendment was passed by a voice vote and included in the version of the NDAA subsequently approved by the House.

Suspected terrorists have been held and tried at the U.S. military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, since shortly following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, though several barriers have prevented the public from staying on top of the proceedings held there.

Relatives of 9/11 victims, members of the media and others wishing to watch the military commissions at Gitmo must travel to the island or one of a handful of domestic military bases where the proceedings are viewable on closed-circuit television…

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