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‘How Dare He Speak for Us!’: Minnesotans Fume Over Mayor Frey’s Treatment of Trump

Minneapolis, MN – Thousands of President Trump supporters showed up hours early to his “Keep America Great” speech on Thursday night at the Target Center. Not only that, but they showed up hours early in the rain.

I asked dozens of them why. And the answers were pretty uniform: They are excited for Trump to drain the swamp and to build the border wall.

But, I was also interested to hear what these Minneapolis locals thought about their mayor’s very icy welcome for the president. Earlier this week, Mayor Jacob Frey said, “his message of hatred will never be welcome in Minneapolis.” He then announced a new policy barring off duty police officers from showing political support. He also sent the Trump campaign a $530,000 bill to cover the security fees for the rally. The campaign refused, accusing Frey of an “outrageous abuse of power” only intended to boost his political career.

Minnesotans in line for tonight’s rally were very aware of the mayor’s behavior.

“It’s despicable,” said David, a voter from Hugo. “I think he should no longer be mayor.”

David added that he’d like to see the bill that was sent to Obama back in 2009 during his health care speech. That bill, as it turns out, was in the ballpark of only $20,000-$30,000. Frey tried to explain away the discrepancy by arguing there were more “significant expenses” associated with Trump’s rally.

Patty and Joel, a couple from Richfield, called Frey’s words and deeds “disgusting” and “pathetic.” They added that the mayor “needs to be a professional.”


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