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Hundreds of Hillary Clinton’s classified emails sat unprotected on Gmail account weeks before Comey exonerated her

(NationalSentinel) Several hundred emails from former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton sat unprotected in a private Gmail account for more than two years and remained there about two weeks before then-FBI Director James Comey exonerated her for criminal mishandling of national secrets.

The Epoch Times reported that the emails came under scrutiny by GOP lawmakers because of the account name — — which was very similar to that of a Chinese firm, Shandong Carter Heavy Industry Machinery CO., Ltd.

The sameness of the account name and the Chinese company gave Republicans some concern that a foreign government-linked entity had managed to gain access to the emails.

Paul Combetta, an employee for Platte River Networks (PRN), the company that managed Clinton’s private email server between 2013-2015, said he created the name of the email account and used it in February 2014 to transfer Clinton’s archived emails to a new server.

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