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Hunter Biden’s ‘Laptop from Hell’ Repairman Says Life Upended, Bankruptcy Looms



The man who used to own the Delaware computer repair shop where Hunter Biden left his notorious “laptop from hell” says bankruptcy looms, as his life has been turned upside down by private citizens, tech giants, and federal agencies since the contents of the laptop became public.

John Paul Mac Isaac, 45, tells the New York Post that he received a slew of death threats after the bombshell revelations on Biden’s laptop became public and noted a Wilmington state trooper had to maintain a constant presence outside of his shop in Trolley Square.

He added:

There were multiple situations where people came in and you could tell they were not there to have a computer fixed. And if there were not other people in the shop, I don’t know what would have happened. I was having vegetables, eggs, dog s–t thrown at the shop every morning.



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One Comment

  1. Donna Woodard Donna Woodard March 14, 2022

    What in the world did this shop owner think would happen? The fact that he is alive is a miracle. I would have been in hiding the moment I discovered my possession of such a timebomb.

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