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If You Work for the FBI, Quit Your Job

By Adam Mill


We’ve moved way past the “few bad apples,” excuse. The FBI is a tool of leftist power.

For those working for the FBI, particularly in the Hoover building or the Washington Field Office, allow me to offer a little career advice: Quit.

Anyone who cares about law enforcement, the rule of law, and the Constitution, should not associate with the criminal gang that the bureau is quickly becoming. If you want to terrify innocent Americans, scoff at Congress, and lie to courts, then the FBI is the right place for you. Those who care about their reputations for integrity should flee the FBI as quickly as possible.

Legitimacy in a republic originates with the consent of the governed. A president wields legitimate constitutional authority because he stands for an election. The FBI has no independent authority under the Constitution. Yet instead of deferring to its constitutional masters, the FBI now brazenly interferes in these elections…


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