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“I’m Not Gonna Back Down”: Bannon Responds To ‘Total Political Hit Job’ Following Arrest

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Former White House strategist Steve Bannon appeared no worse for wear during his “War Room Pandemic” podcast on Friday – just one day after posting $5 million bail after his arrest on charges of wire fraud and money laundering related to his involvement with Build the Wall – a nonprofit organized by wounded Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage, which raised over $25 million via crowdfunding and built a half-mile section of border wall in Hidalgo County, Texas.

Bannon pleaded not guilty, and was in full fight mode during Friday’s podcast.

This fiasco is a total political hit-job. The timing is exquisite” in the run-up to the 2020 election, said Bannon, adding “I think it is probably the most important election of our time because the stakes now are so high.”

I’m not gonna back down,” Bannon added. “Everybody knows I love a fight. I was called a honey-badger for many years. I’m in this for the long-haul. I’m in this for the fight. I’m going to continue to fight. This was to stop and intimidate people that want to talk about the wall. This is to stop and intimidate people that have President Trump’s back on building the wall,” he said.

Speaking of Brian Kolfage, Bannon said:

“One thing I can tell you from the heroic effort we did and really, Brian Kolfage – who’s an American Hero. Brian Kolfage is, I think the most wounded airman in the history of the Air Force, to survive. He’s a triple-amputee. Almost bled out multiple times after he was hit during the Afghan and Iraq war. And just an American hero. The pain and nagging that guy still goes through every day – he has dedicated his life, he had this idea, he has dedicated his life to building this wall.” -Steve Bannon

Bannon also claimed that Thursday’s “War Room Pandemic” broadcast has two million viewers from mainland China.


Meanwhile, people have questions:

Steve Bannon had an estimated worth of $48 million in 2017 according to Forbes and a purported stake in Seinfeld syndication. Unless absolutely mad, why would he grift $1 million in a build the wall scheme?

— Jack Shafer (@jackshafer)



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