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Inexplicable Nashville terrorism sounds like a distraction tactic

By Scott Boyd

Tens of millions of Americans gather with their families today. But instead of talking about important issues or even no issues at all, they’re talking about the strange explosion in Nashville.

Put on your tinfoil hats, folks. The Nashville terrorist attack on Christmas morning seems to have all the hallmarks of a news- and attention-sucking event that was intended to prompt questions with no easy answers. It’s drawing speculation from the masses about its oddities and is the center of table-talk for tens of millions of Americans who hate (or love) inexplicable fear.

A recreational vehicle in downtown Nashville exploded early this morning. Some reports indicate there was what sounded like machine gun fire coming from or near the vehicle, prompting calls to the police. Audio recordings emanating from the vehicle called for anyone who could hear it to evacuate immediately. Then, it exploded. Three people were injured.

As our EIC noted yesterday, Christmas dinner this year is a good time to spread the word about voter fraud that millions of Americans are still completely in the dark about. I would add it would be a good time to talk about the feckless leadership from Capitol Hill as they tried to ram a pork-laden spending bill down our throats this week. But instead of talking about issues that will affect every American now and for years to come, many discussions among family are now centered on this strange terrorist attack.

Was this attack deliberately timed and launched to distract people? It isn’t common for terrorists to announce their intention and attempt to clear an area before the violence happens. They generally go for as many casualties as possible. Recording a warning and playing it to clear the area is beyond peculiar.

There are so many questions that will likely linger for days following this terrorist attack. And perhaps that was the point. As America crumbles under the weight of a fraudulent election and draconian lockdowns, this attack is fodder for the masses.

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