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Insane Justice High School Graduation Woke Speech Against Capitalism, Individualism and more…

By therightscoop

This is what kids are being bombarded with all day every day in public school. Get them out while you still can. It is warping their minds in ways you cannot imagine, in ways that facts and information may never be able to correct. This is what propaganda and brainwashing are all about.

The graduation ceremony at Justice High School in Virginia last week consisted of what the name implies: social justice garbage.

Keynote speaker Abrar Omeish, a Democrat on the Fairfax county school board, gave the wokest SJW crapfest I think I’ve ever heard all in one place. It’s almost impossible to summarize this macabre display, but we have a fairly representative two minute segment from the very long, very terrible speech from this charlatan masquerading as an educator and public servant.

We should note that the proceedings opened with the JROTC color guard and the National Anthem, for some reason. Considering the rest of the ceremony spit on America I’m not sure why it started this way. The next thing was the Pledge of Allegiance, which the class president referred to as “the nation’s anthem”, where she ended with the phrase “one nation, under Allah.” The Daily Wire adds that “Omeish was out of view of the camera, but a picture from another recent graduation shows her as the only person without her hand over her heart during the pledge.”

Here’s a two minutes hate from Omeish.

As y’all know I like to say, BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. Again, from the excellent report by Daily Wire’s Luke Rosiak.

The president of the student government then introduced Omeish by noting that she was “Virginia co-chair for the Bernie Sanders campaign” and that her father, Esam Omeish, was a “leader and a board member of the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center” who “raised his daughter to be an outspoken woman.”

Dar al-Hijrah is a mosque attended by two of the 9/11 hijackers as well as the shooter in the 2009 attack on Fort Hood. Its imam was Anwar al-Awlaki, who President Barack Obama ordered killed by drone strike for plotting terrorism for Al Queda. Omeish noted that her father was in attendance at the graduation.

Oh and guess what. This graduation speaker filling kids minds with her ideology? This her.

Well ain’t that about a kick in the teeth. Your tax dollars at work, Fairfax parents!

It’s all around you, folks. From kindergarten through graduation, from the schoolyard to the workplace, from local government to global affairs, in the press and on cable “news” and even the armed forces and beyond.

But it all starts at the schools. You ought to ask your kids TONIGHT whether this kind of crap is at theirs.

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