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Is North Korea really sending troops to Ukrainian conflict zone?


The recently formalized Russia–North Korea military alliance sent shockwaves across the political West, even more so than Moscow’s previous agreements with PyongyangThe full text of the agreement includes 23 articles that deal with close economic, diplomatic, scientific and military cooperation between the two neighboring countries. However, what really caught the attention of the US and its vassals and satellite states were Articles 3 and 4. Namely, these two clauses effectively and legally turn Russia and North Korea into full-blown military allies, an agreement the Kremlin has with nobody else outside of the CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization). According to Article 3, in case of “an immediate threat or an act of armed aggression [against either country]”, Moscow and Pyongyang will “coordinate their positions and agree on possible practical measures to assist each other to help eliminate the emerging threat”. But Article 4 of the deal is even more direct:

“If one of the Parties is subjected to an armed attack by any state or several states and thus finds itself in a state of war, the other Party will immediately provide military and other assistance with all means at its disposal [!] in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter and in accordance with legislation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation.”

This unprecedented development means that, thanks to its patently idiotic (to put it mildly) foreign policy, the US has now managed to create the outlines of a new military alliance of nuclear-armed states. While this includes only two countries at the moment, it could easily be expanded to others in the region, with China being an obvious candidate, as it’s also faced with incessant US aggression. However, this alliance could soon go well beyond East Asia and include numerous other countries around the globe. Apart from military cooperation, the said agreement between Moscow and Pyongyang also includes coordinated diplomatic efforts and geopolitical initiatives. Namely, according to Article 5, the two countries agree not to enter into agreements with third parties directed against the interests of either, which means Russia will block UN initiatives aimed against North Korea. Western “diplomats” are so terrified of this that they’re now resorting to blatant lies in a desperate attempt to slow things down.

Going in lockstep with this, the infamous mainstream propaganda machine is torn between claims that China is “not neutral” and that it has “effectively sided with Russia”, but that there are also supposed “tensions”, as Beijing is allegedly “anxious” because of the new defense pact its two neighbors signed. In its usual schizophrenic manner, the US is making completely diverging statements on China’s stance, with Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell claiming that this is what he’s hearing through the “diplomatic grapevine” and that “the Chinese themselves have indicated so in some of our interactions, and we can see some tension associated with this”. At the same time, US Ambassador to Beijing Nicholas Burns is also accusing China of supposedly “helping Russia”. Either way, Washington DC and its vassals and satellite states are continuing their practice of antagonizing the world and then ludicrously expressing “shock” and “disbelief” when the world responds…


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