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Is the “Independent Contractor” That’s Conducting Toxicology Tests In East Palestine in Norfolk Southern’s Pocket?


According to independent citizen journalist Kanekoa The Great, Norfolk Southern hired a controversial consulting firm to conduct toxicology tests in the East Palestine train derailment aftermath.

The company, Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health (CTEH), has an alleged history of providing falsified data to serve corporate interests of its employers over public health.

CTEH was hired by BP after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Per The New York Times:

After a million gallons of oil spilled on a Louisiana town in 2005, after a flood of toxic coal ash smothered central Tennessee in 2008 and after defective Chinese drywall began plaguing Florida homeowners, the same firm was on the scene — saying everything was fine.

Now that the Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health (CTEH) has a high-profile role in the Gulf spill, local community groups and other chemical testing veterans see a troubling pattern at work. As BP continues to claim that the leaking oil has caused “no significant exposures,” despite the hospitalization of several workers and the sparse release of test data, these observers of CTEH’s work say the firm has a vested interest in finding a clean bill of health to satisfy its corporate employer.

“It’s essentially the fox guarding the chicken coop,” said Nicholas Cheremisinoff, a former Exxon chemical engineer who now consults on pollution prevention…


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