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Longtime DeSantis Ally FLIPS: “Trump Has Never Let Us Down”



A longtime DeSantis Ally has denounced his support for the Florida governor and instead now endorses President Trump.

Rep. Randy Fine acted as DeSantis’ Jewish outreach chair.

However, Rep. Fine wrote an op-ed to the Washington Times about why he swapped to supporting President Trump.

Check the op-ed in the Washington Times here:

Today, in the aftermath of the worst attack on my people since the Holocaust, we have open anti-Semitic protests taking place all over the state, worst of all on our State University campuses. In 2019, I wrote a bill that would allow the Governor to end these – it was the centerpiece of his trade mission to Israel. The bill was simple – our universities already kick kids out who call Black students the “n-word” – as they should. It simply required them to do the same for Jewish kids being told they should be wiped off the earth. When I begged Governor DeSantis to use the bill to protect these children after the attack, he shrugged it off and passed the buck to our University Presidents. They continue to do nothing…


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