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Major M7.2 earthquake off Colombia mysteriously disappears from quake maps!

By  Strange Sounds

About 4 hours ago, a M7.2 earthquake was reported by VolcanoDiscovery:

M7.2 earthquake reported off Colombia on April 22 2021 A major M7.2 earthquake was reported off Colombia on April 22 2021… But it has now disappeared from the various quake maps…

On their website, they wrote:

This record is considered not to be from an actual earthquake. It could be due to some other (unknown) event causing shaking, such as explosions, sonic booms, weather or other human or natural causes.

Even officially reported earthquakes are sometimes removed again later when seismic signals first processed automatically are later re-interpreted manually not to be from real quakes.

This major M7.2 earthquake is not showing on any worldwide earthquake maps, now… Two of the main ones: EMSC and USGS, for example…

M7.2 earthquake reported off Colombia on April 22 2021

So what the heck! If it wasn’t an earthquake what was it? A bomb? An underwater explosion? A boat explosion? An oil platform explosion?

Kind of weird in these times of tensions and ‘war’… Now get your own Earthquake warning alarm



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