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Matt Drudge undoubtedly a Zionist agent

By Timothy Fizpatrick


Most of the major Zionist spooks posing as journalists have been outed in the alternative and mainstream media in the last ten years. But still chipping away and maintaining his popularity is a lesser-known shill named Matthew Drudge of the Drudge Report news and gossip aggregator [1], a popular reference site for neoconservatives and their libertarian brothers as well as evangelical “Christians”.

Drudge, an allegedly gay[2] Jew who seemed to rise out of total obscurity (a hallmark of intelligence assets) after working in retail and telemarketing, jumpstarted his career by miraculously managing to break the Bill Clinton-Lewinsky scandal—Lewinsky being a Mossad asset herself apparently sent in to compromise the then president of the United States.[3] It was around this time that Zionist Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News chose Drudge to host his own Saturday night show on the neoconservative news channel. Although the show was short lived, top Fox Zionists like Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and Rush Limbaugh continue to give Drudge publicity.

Drudge Agenda
Drudge’s agenda completely lines up with that of all the Zionist-oriented news outlets, be it Joseph Farrah’s WorldNetDaily, Breitbart (who actually worked in tandem with Drudge at one time)[4], or the dubious shock jock of conspiracy Alex Jones of Infowars. They all push the same issues as those found among the Koch-neocon-Tea Party-libertarian network, which I have formulated into a convenient list[5] in my article on Jones and the Koch brothers. Unfortunately, the odd things that this network gets right, like its opposition to man-made global warming fear mongering and the abortion industry baits a lot of well meaning paleo-conservatives, who then get caught up in the various other fraudulent issues propagated by this network. Like William F. Buckley’s CIA-created National Review did before the Internet, its purpose is to homogenize the right into a more easily manageable group.[6] In other words, it has hijacked legitimate dissent and mutated it into controlled opposition. The right has been a sitting duck for quite some time. It has never been allowed to go beyond what the hijackers have designed it for.
And it has used the kabbalist black art of dialectics to grow its scope of influence, occasionally allowing certain flashes of truth to glimmer in the sunlight only to steer the dissent into another tier of controlled opposition.

Israeli intelligence
When it was revealed that British media magnate and member of Parliament Robert Maxwell was living a double life as a publisher and Israeli Mossad agent, a whole new world of possibilities open up in the minds of inquisitive people. What a perfect scenario for Israel’s HASBARA (Zionist public relations). Instead of trying to influence the media to their Zionist worldview, why not just run the media themselves. So it is quite possible and, I argue, likely that Rupert Murdoch is another Robert Maxwell, which means Fox News is an arm of the Israeli government and International Jewry. To most of you reading this, it won’t surprise you. Fox News is quite open about its unwavering support for Israel and its dedication to faux conservative views. And it’s no different for the Jewish-controlled left in America. Zionist Sumner Redstone’s media left bias plays off nicely against the media right, creating the illusion of choice for viewers. Is it crazy to think that Drudge might have been groomed and brought to prominence by Murdoch and Fox News in the service of Israeli HASBARA and counter-intelligence, as some in the conspiracy community have claimed?

Stratfor built ‘relationship’ with Drudge?
According to Wikileaks files, Israeli intelligence gathering agency Stratfor discussed building a relationship with characters like Matt Drudge.[7]

Jewish Stratfor employee Aaric S. Eisenstein stated in an email addressed to Zionist Stratfor head George Friedman on Sept. 17, 2008,

Wow. Take a look at this. It’s small wonder that Politico is trying to follow the business model described below. I knew that Drudge was absolutely shitting money; I didn’t know how much.
From a targeting standpoint, Meredith, these are definitely players where we want relationships. If you hit the center of gravity, you don’t have to worry about the periphery, and this is definitely the center of gravity. Please pass this along to Brian. He ought to be reading this blog.

The Drudge link to Stratfor may be benign, but it’s interesting considering all of Alex Jones’ ties to the agency.[8]

Drudge and Infowars
Although Drudge is quite moderate when it comes to linking to conspiratorial content, he does often link to Jones and HASBARA Infowars…

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