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News Station Announces They Will Present News Only With AI Anchors, Will Be Completely AI-Generated And Curated To The User’s Choice

by Jacob M. Thompson


“But everything you’ll see on Channel 1 relies on trusted sources and factchecking, and uses AI to give you news the way you want it; personalized, localized, and distilled,” said an AI avatar.

A new news channel is set to launch next year but with a twist: the news will be presented completely by artificial intelligence generated avatars.

Based out of Los Angeles, California, the startup called Channel 1 is set to launch in February 2024, on a number of streaming platforms such as Crackle, Tubi, or Pluto.

The company published a 22-minute promo video on their website explaining how the website will work.

Today you’ll witness AI-generated stories and headlines, captivating visuals, and data-driven insights. From global news, to finance, to entertainment, we’ll show you how technology enables us to bring you a global perspective, 24/, right from the heart of our AI newsroom, all presented by our team of AI-generated reporters.

Said one of the AI avatars

Another AI bot in the broadcast explained,

Maybe you hear the words ‘artificial intelligence,’ and you are immediately skeptical or concerned about technology gone crazy. But everything you’ll see on Channel 1 relies on trusted sources and factchecking, and uses AI to give you news the way you want it; personalized, localized, and distilled.

The scripts the AI avatars speak are also generated as well, so no one is actually telling the AI what to say, the company claims.

The anchors can speak a plethora of languages, and the curated reporters can be customized into a number of different combinations.

Another bot in the promo said Channel 1 is not “fake news,” and does not make-up stories out of thin air that are not true but relies on “trusted” and verified sources to curate the content. Real people will also purportedly be fact-checking the AI to make sure the stories reported are not inaccurate…

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